Our Spirituality
We live our religious consecration according to the spirituality of reparation to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus as expressed by Venerable Msgr. Anthony Celona (d.1952).
We realize the purpose of our vocation of reparation through:
a) Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
b) devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Divine Mercy (a broadened devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus)
c) contemplation of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ
d) Marian devotion
e) an intense apostolate in parishes, schools, associations of reparation, and in fields of social assistance.
We, as Sisters of Reparation, must associate ourselves with the Heart of Christ. We share in the intentions that moved Him to become man and to offer Himself to the Father, and participate in the obedience of Christ who offers Himself for the life of the world.
Reparation “born from the Heart of God” is the source and inspiration of our consecration in God’s plan of salvation, fulfilled in the obedience of the Son, whose radiant sign is the pierced Heart of Jesus on the Cross.
We follow this way of Reparation in the Church and in the world with the profession of the religious vows of chastity, poverty and obedience in an attitude of
- love as service to God and to our brothers and Sisters
- oblation of Reparation
- adoration.
Like the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Sisters are called to be the Handmaids of the Lord. They must approach and become one with Jesus, unceasingly making atonement and becoming part of His most holy virtues. The Sister of Reparation must always respond with Mary: “Ecce, here I am, Lord, I come to do Your Will.” We place our consecration and our apostolic mission in the Roman Catholic Church under her protection and her maternal love.
The spirit of Reparation permeates our whole life: prayer, the deep understanding of our vows, fraternal life, and the ministry to bring forth God’s plan of salvation in imitation of Jesus. Like Jesus, the Sister of Reparation is both priest and victim – "priest", in the unceasing offering of Jesus sacrificed on the altar and mystically present in the tabernacle; "victim" because she unites her sufferings with those of Jesus for the Church and for all people.
The intense life of faith and of the apostolate to spread the kingdom of Jesus Christ finds nourishment in the contemplation of the Mystery of the Eucharist, “source and summit of all devotion of the Church and the Christian life”. For this reason the typical image of the Congregation is a Eucharistic life lived to the most fervent and elevated degree possible.
The first and foremost task in our life of reparation is fidelity to the spirit of the Gospel, following the Magisterium of the Church, which will be our guide to worthily fulfill our mission in today’s world.
Our Lady's hymn of praise “Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together,” is a call to unite ourselves with all people in Jesus Christ, to make His virtues ours, and in union with Him to glorify our Heavenly Father. This motto is our mission and the canticle of our entire life.
We realize the purpose of our vocation of reparation through:
a) Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
b) devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Divine Mercy (a broadened devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus)
c) contemplation of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ
d) Marian devotion
e) an intense apostolate in parishes, schools, associations of reparation, and in fields of social assistance.
We, as Sisters of Reparation, must associate ourselves with the Heart of Christ. We share in the intentions that moved Him to become man and to offer Himself to the Father, and participate in the obedience of Christ who offers Himself for the life of the world.
Reparation “born from the Heart of God” is the source and inspiration of our consecration in God’s plan of salvation, fulfilled in the obedience of the Son, whose radiant sign is the pierced Heart of Jesus on the Cross.
We follow this way of Reparation in the Church and in the world with the profession of the religious vows of chastity, poverty and obedience in an attitude of
- love as service to God and to our brothers and Sisters
- oblation of Reparation
- adoration.
Like the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Sisters are called to be the Handmaids of the Lord. They must approach and become one with Jesus, unceasingly making atonement and becoming part of His most holy virtues. The Sister of Reparation must always respond with Mary: “Ecce, here I am, Lord, I come to do Your Will.” We place our consecration and our apostolic mission in the Roman Catholic Church under her protection and her maternal love.
The spirit of Reparation permeates our whole life: prayer, the deep understanding of our vows, fraternal life, and the ministry to bring forth God’s plan of salvation in imitation of Jesus. Like Jesus, the Sister of Reparation is both priest and victim – "priest", in the unceasing offering of Jesus sacrificed on the altar and mystically present in the tabernacle; "victim" because she unites her sufferings with those of Jesus for the Church and for all people.
The intense life of faith and of the apostolate to spread the kingdom of Jesus Christ finds nourishment in the contemplation of the Mystery of the Eucharist, “source and summit of all devotion of the Church and the Christian life”. For this reason the typical image of the Congregation is a Eucharistic life lived to the most fervent and elevated degree possible.
The first and foremost task in our life of reparation is fidelity to the spirit of the Gospel, following the Magisterium of the Church, which will be our guide to worthily fulfill our mission in today’s world.
Our Lady's hymn of praise “Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together,” is a call to unite ourselves with all people in Jesus Christ, to make His virtues ours, and in union with Him to glorify our Heavenly Father. This motto is our mission and the canticle of our entire life.