Religious Formation
The first step in the religious life is that of the postulancy. The word postulant comes from the Latin word postulare which means to claim or request. A postulant then is a candidate who is requesting to be received into the Novitiate. The postulancy lasts for one year. During this time a postulant lives at the Novitiate house and follows the routine and schedule of the community. If after one year a postulant requests entrance and is received into the community, she then begins her novitiate. She receives the religious habit and white veil of a novice at a special ceremony.
As a novice, the candidate becomes acquainted with the rules, constitutions, and spirit of the institute. A novice lives the life of a religious for two full years. At the end of this two-year period, if the novice wishes to stay and is accepted by the Congregation, she makes her first profession of vows.
Junior Profession
The purpose of the junior profession is to deepen and complete the spiritual, apostolic, professional and technical formation of the Sister of Reparation.
In our Institute, temporary vows are renewed annually for a period of five years.
In our Institute, temporary vows are renewed annually for a period of five years.