Mission History
Since 1999, the sisters have given over 630 Mission Talks in 30 states and 5 countries!
Through these mission talks the Sisters have spread the Message of Divine Mercy across the country.
The typical mission includes an invitation to attend the talks given at each Mass, a talk on the Message of Divine Mercy, followed by veneration of the Relic of St. Faustina and the opportunity for Confession. There have been countless spiritual and physical healings as a result of the missions including: people returning to the sacrament of confession after 25, 30, or even 50 years; healings of cancer; and couples being able to conceive after over 10 years through the intercession of St. Faustina.
Since 1999, the sisters have distributed 14,000 copies of the Diary of St. Faustina and have led the spread of this devotion through Divine Mercy holy cards, booklets and images at their missions. The sisters' apostolate includes speaking at schools, conferences, retreats, radio shows, nursing homes and hospitals, and various other groups.
The sisters missionary work has also extended internationally to Italy, Canada, Barbados, Ireland and India. This past spring of 2016, the sisters spent 5 weeks in Ireland spreading the message of Divine Mercy through talks in schools, at the parish and home-visits. For the first time this summer the sisters traveled to India to speak about the Message of Divine Mercy to seminarians and lay people. The sisters have initiated a Bunk Bed Project for the Diocese of Khandwa India, to help get the school children off the floor when school is in session. The sisters pray that their apostolic work of encouraging people to trust in the Lord’s love and mercy will spread throughout the world.